stuck up record in DNS

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stuck up record in DNS

Nepryakhin Ivan

hi guys!

I'm encountered with a strange issue:

 - host with  the name host12-c12-1 one time requested and  get the  address
 - dhcpd correct doing records ( A and PTR ) in  DNS
 - BUT after host shutdown and in the file dhcpd.leases line "binding state" become in the "free" - records A and PTR staying stuck in the base of DNS.

i thinking  what DHCP- DDNS work in the next scheme:

 - HOST doing request for ip  address
 - DHCP  getting request and try write RR's A and PTR in DNS
 - DHCP give out ip address and do a record in the file dhcpd.leases
 - when time lease expire  DHCP remove RR's A and PTR from DNS

Please give me vector for a searching or suggestion about mistakes.


P.S unfortunately i can't upgrade my environment



cuted of the file

lease {
  starts 5 2019/08/09 11:00:47;
  ends 5 2019/08/09 12:00:47;
  tstp 5 2019/08/09 12:00:47;
  cltt 5 2019/08/09 11:00:47;
  binding state free;
  hardware ethernet 18:10:2b:12:db:12;
  uid "\001\010\000'\216G\220";

cuted from the file /etc/named/tsc/

$TTL 1800       ; 30 minutes
host12-c12-1    A  
                        TXT     "00ffa9c88e143752544ac44exxxxxxxxxx"

cuted of the file dhcpd.conf:

## DDNS related configuration

ddns-update-style interim;
ddns-rev-domainname "";
ddns-domainname "tsc.";
update-static-leases on;

group {

        option routers;
        ddns-hostname = host-decl-name;

        update-optimization false;
        update-conflict-detection false;

# example host
            host host12 {
                hardware ethernet 18:31:BF:xx:xx:xx;


Best regards,
Nepryakhin Ivan Sergeevich
system administrator
STC Group
  T: +7 (812) 325-88-48, ext 6225
М: +7 (911) 291-81-68
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Re: stuck up record in DNS

Simon Hobson
Nepryakhin Ivan <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I'm encountered with a strange issue:

See below - it's "correct" operation for your example

> cuted of the file dhcpd.conf:
> ## DDNS related configuration
> ddns-update-style interim;
> ddns-rev-domainname "";
> ddns-domainname "tsc.";
> update-static-leases on;
> group {
>         option routers;
>         ddns-hostname = host-decl-name;
>         update-optimization false;
>         update-conflict-detection false;
> # example host
>             host host12 {
>                 hardware ethernet 18:31:BF:xx:xx:xx;
>                 fixed-address;
>         }
> }

Where you have a host entry, the lease does NOT go through the normal lifecycle - and would not normally appear in the leases file.
Without the "update-static-leases on" statement, there would be no DNS update at all. With it, the DNS will be updated every time the host is leased that address - but those DNS records are never removed. Normally, the admin would be expected to add their own DNS entries to match host entries - the "update-static-leases on" statement is really just to save work.

If you want a "fixed" address for a host, and you want the DNS to be added/removed as required, then there is one option available. Add the "reserved" flag to a lease for the host - this fixed the lease so that it will not be allocated to another host. The lease is in all other respects the same as any dynamic lease.

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