failover partner state time in dhcpd.leases

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failover partner state time in dhcpd.leases

Hi, I'm using isc-dhcp-V3.0.5-RedHat.
I apply auto-partner down patch for 5 secs.

I don't understand why in failover mode, I get same time as it started
in dhcpd.leases as partner state.

I tested like this.

start seconday
start primay

In primary log, I get,

failover peer "test" state {
  my state recover at 2 2016/09/13 05:28:41;
  partner state unknown-state at 2 2016/09/13 05:28:41;


failover peer "test" state {
  my state normal at 2 2016/09/13 05:28:42;
  partner state normal at 2 2016/09/13 05:28:41;

This, I understand but, when I do secondary down,

failover peer "test" state {
  my state communications-interrupted at 2 2016/09/13 05:32:23;
  partner state normal at 2 2016/09/13 05:28:41;


Ι did up and down secondary but I always get same date as it started.
partner state normal at 2 2016/09/13 05:28:41;
And, when dhcpd.leases moved to dhcpd.leases~, I still get same date
in new dhcpd.leases file
in the first place.

My question Is, is this OK and why is it ?

Great thanks in advance!

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Re: failover partner state time in dhcpd.leases

> Hi, I'm using isc-dhcp-V3.0.5-RedHat.
> I apply auto-partner down patch for 5 secs.
> I don't understand why in failover mode, I get same time as it started
> in dhcpd.leases as partner state.

You're using a *very* old version of ISC DHCP, which hasn't been
supported for many years. There are *lots* of bug fixes for the
failover functionality in newer releases.

I strongly recommend simply upgrading to a newer release. Please
note that 3.0.5 is *not* interoperable with newer versions (so you
cannot run a 3.0.5 server as part of a failover pair where the
other server is 3.1.x or newer).

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, [hidden email]
dhcp-users mailing list
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Re: failover partner state time in dhcpd.leases

Thank you very much, Steinar, I appreciate your fast reply.

I also tested in v4.1 environment, but result was the same.

Is this what it should be?
If so, why is it?
Because this is the partner-stos?

Thanks in advance.


2016-09-13 18:40 GMT+09:00  <[hidden email]>:

>> Hi, I'm using isc-dhcp-V3.0.5-RedHat.
>> I apply auto-partner down patch for 5 secs.
>> I don't understand why in failover mode, I get same time as it started
>> in dhcpd.leases as partner state.
> You're using a *very* old version of ISC DHCP, which hasn't been
> supported for many years. There are *lots* of bug fixes for the
> failover functionality in newer releases.
> I strongly recommend simply upgrading to a newer release. Please
> note that 3.0.5 is *not* interoperable with newer versions (so you
> cannot run a 3.0.5 server as part of a failover pair where the
> other server is 3.1.x or newer).
> Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, [hidden email]
dhcp-users mailing list
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