dhcpd.leases file missing old lease IP after each dhcpd restart

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dhcpd.leases file missing old lease IP after each dhcpd restart

P N Kumar
Hi All,

Please help me on this issue which I have been working since long time.
We use ISC DHCP 4.2.8 server to assign fixed IP address to clients.

On the first config commit server leased out 6 IP address to 6 clients.  to

When I restart 1st time  ,DHCP "/etc/init.d/dhcp-server restart", I can see all 6 leases exist in dhcpd.lease file

2nd time restart misses first lease IP i.e. lease file has
3rd time restart  lease file has
5th time restart  lease file has
6th time restart  lease file has

but I can still ping (or any other missing IP) from DHCP server.

Has anyone seen this behavior?

Thanks for your help in advance.


dhcp-users mailing list
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Re: FW: dhcpd.leases file missing old lease IP after each dhcpd restart

Fernando Soto
Hi Kumar,

You may be hitting this issue that was fixed in dhcp 4.3.3:

- Move the check for a PID file and process to be before we rewrite the lease file.  This avoids the possibility of starting a second instance of a server which changes the current lease file confusing the first instance.  This check is only included if the admin hasn't disabled PID files.
  [ISC-Bugs #38078]
  [ISC-Bugs #38143]


On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Fernando Soto <[hidden email]> wrote:



From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of P N Kumar
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:24 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: dhcpd.leases file missing old lease IP after each dhcpd restart


Hi All,


Please help me on this issue which I have been working since long time.

We use ISC DHCP 4.2.8 server to assign fixed IP address to clients.


On the first config commit server leased out 6 IP address to 6 clients.  to


When I restart 1st time  ,DHCP "/etc/init.d/dhcp-server restart", I can see all 6 leases exist in dhcpd.lease file



2nd time restart misses first lease IP i.e. lease file has

3rd time restart  lease file has



5th time restart  lease file has

6th time restart  lease file has


but I can still ping (or any other missing IP) from DHCP server.


Has anyone seen this behavior?


Thanks for your help in advance.





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