Jul 21 14:05:10 dns2 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for 10.xxx.145.177 from f0:1f:af:ce:d9:34 via 10.xxx.144.3
Jul 21 14:05:10 dns2 dhcpd: DHCPACK on 10.xxx.145.177 to f0:1f:af:ce:d9:34 (supreme) via 10.xxx.144.3
Jul 21 14:05:10 dns2 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for 10.xxx.145.177 from f0:1f:af:ce:d9:34 (supreme) via 10.xxx.144.2
Jul 21 14:05:10 dns2 dhcpd: bind update on 10.xxx.145.177 got ack from partner: xid mismatch.
b) from the dns server's updates logging. Also looks ok to me:
21-Jul-2015 14:05:10.479 update: info: client 10.xxx.21.46#56082/key lpdev.key: updating zone '
lpdev.foo.com/IN': update unsuccessful:
supreme.lpdev.foo.com: 'name not in use' prerequisite not satisfied (YXDOMAIN)
21-Jul-2015 14:05:10.496 update: info: client 10.xxx.21.46#56082/key lpdev.key: updating zone '
lpdev.foo.com/IN': update unsuccessful:
supreme.lpdev.foo.com: 'name not in use' prerequisite not satisfied (YXDOMAIN)
21-Jul-2015 14:05:10.508 update-security: info: client 10.xxx.21.46#56082/key lpdev.key: signer "lpdev.key" approved
21-Jul-2015 14:05:10.532 update-security: info: client 10.xxx.21.46#56082/key lpdev.key: signer "lpdev.key" approved
21-Jul-2015 14:05:10.532 update: info: client 10.xxx.21.46#56082/key lpdev.key: updating zone '145.xxx.10.in-addr.arpa/IN': deleting rrset at '177.145.xxx.10.in-addr.arpa' PTR
21-Jul-2015 14:05:10.532 update: info: client 10.xxx.21.46#56082/key lpdev.key: updating zone '145.xxx.10.in-addr.arpa/IN': adding an RR at '177.145.xxx.10.in-addr.arpa' PTR
c) here's the lease. Things still match up.
lease 10.xxx.145.177 {
starts 2 2015/07/21 18:05:10;
ends 3 2015/07/22 18:05:10;
tstp 4 2015/07/23 06:05:10;
tsfp 4 2015/07/23 06:05:10;
atsfp 4 2015/07/23 06:05:10;
cltt 2 2015/07/21 18:05:10;
binding state active;
next binding state expired;
hardware ethernet f0:1f:af:ce:d9:34;
uid "\001\360\037\257\316\3314";
set ddns-rev-name = "177.145.xxx.10.in-addr.arpa.";
set ddns-txt = "313e29237150b143ecae66d87b9f881997";
client-hostname "supreme";
Now the kicker: dig -t any
supreme.lpdev.foo.com. The TXT record is the same as the lease, but the IP is 157.yyy.6.171 -- not 10.xxx.145.177.
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 27655
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 7
; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
Any clues will be very much appreciated!