When are IPv6 leases renewed in relation to preferred-life and max-life

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When are IPv6 leases renewed in relation to preferred-life and max-life

Magnus Holmgren
Hello, quick question:

My ISP hands out IPv6 leases with a max-life of 86400 (24h) but a preferred-
life of only 7200 (2h), and dhclient -6 (4.4.1-2; Debian 10) only renews the
lease after half the max-life. This results in the address being deprecated
most of the time, which causes problems when the kernel chooses an address
from a VPN as the source for packages to the VPN endpoint, for example.

Is my ISP misbehaving by setting a valid-life less than half the max-life (and
not specifying renew and rebind times), or is this a bug in dhclient, or
(least probably) does dhclient try to renew the lease, but the server ignores
it and dhclient doesn't say anything about this? (Surely having to deprecate
the only global-scope address on an interface is undesirable?)

Can I supersede override these values in dhclient.conf? Seems you can only
supersede options, and these are not options?

Magnus Holmgren        [hidden email]
                       (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)

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