Using ISC DHCP for Layer 2 Relay Solution

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Using ISC DHCP for Layer 2 Relay Solution

DATACOM - henrique.marks
Hi all

I am trying to use ISC DHCP in an embedded project to implement DHCP Relay. We are interested in a DHCP Relay Layer 2 solution, but i don't know if ISC DHCP works for this case.

I saw in the source code that it is necessary to have an IP in the VLAN interface, so that the sockets used internally by the package can be sent. But also, i saw that there is a flag in compilation to enable the use of some type of sockets that would not need IP addresses on the interface.

The question is: is it possible to use ISC DHCP as a Layer 2 Relay ? In other words, can we use Linux Vlan Interfaces without ip addresses, with this package ?

I saw another dhcp solution, dhcp-helper, that claims to do this, receive the package in one VLAN interface, and send to another. How hard it would be to port this solution to ISC DHCP, if there is some interest ?

Thanks ina advance

Dr. Henrique Marks
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