Static IPv6 leases and DDNS updates

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Static IPv6 leases and DDNS updates

David Gutierrez Rueda

Hello all,


I’m trying to configure DNS updates for static leases on IPv6 without success. Dynamic ipv6 leases are updating the DNS so after adding the next configuration I would have expected statics to work:


update-static-leases on;

update-conflict-detection off;

update-optimization off;


After fighting with some options I’ve tried to check the dhcpv6.c code, inside function reply_process_ia_na:


2141:     if (reply->static_lease) {

2161:                     goto cleanup;

2162:     }


This ‘goto cleanup’ seems to jump over the ddns_updates process for dynamic leases.


Are this kind of updates supported? Is there any other configuration that might trigger the update?


Thank you in advance.

David Gutierrez

dhcp-users mailing list
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Re: Static IPv6 leases and DDNS updates

Bill Shirley
I have this happening on my system too and filed a bug report. Here is the response:
On Thu Oct 29 09:04:31 2015, [hidden email] wrote:
Bug Report from

* Name: Bill Shirley

* Email: [hidden email]

* Software Version: dhcp-server-4.3.2-2.fc22.x86_64

* OS: Linux (Fedora 22)

* Subject:man page dhcpd.conf update-static-leases

Bug Detail

The man pages for dhcpd.conf states that for update-static-leases:
This can only work with the interim
DNS update scheme

Does it not also work for the ddns-update-style standard scheme?
It should work for both schemes.  I've tried it and it worked fine in my tests
if it doesn't for you please update this ticket.

Also update-static-leases does not work for either scheme when using
host bigbird { host-identifier option dhcp6.client-id
00:01:00:01:1d:73:5b:05:00:25:22:36:97:f9; fixed-address6

We haven't added support for DDNS with v6 static leases yet.
I'll put it on our list of requests.


Thank you for your bug reports,


dhcp-users mailing list
[hidden email]
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RE: Static IPv6 leases and DDNS updates

David Gutierrez Rueda

Hi Bill,


Thank you. I’m trying to find out if this feature is already in ISC’s short term roadmap. I’ll post this information.





From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bill Shirley
Sent: 10 January 2016 00:49
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Static IPv6 leases and DDNS updates


I have this happening on my system too and filed a bug report. Here is the response:

On Thu Oct 29 09:04:31 2015, [hidden email] wrote:
Bug Report from
* Name: Bill Shirley
* Email: [hidden email]
* Software Version: dhcp-server-4.3.2-2.fc22.x86_64
* OS: Linux (Fedora 22)
* Subject:man page dhcpd.conf update-static-leases
Bug Detail
The man pages for dhcpd.conf states that for update-static-leases:
This can only work with the interim
DNS update scheme
Does it not also work for the ddns-update-style standard scheme?
It should work for both schemes.  I've tried it and it worked fine in my tests
if it doesn't for you please update this ticket.
Also update-static-leases does not work for either scheme when using
host bigbird { host-identifier option dhcp6.client-id
00:01:00:01:1d:73:5b:05:00:25:22:36:97:f9; fixed-address6
We haven't added support for DDNS with v6 static leases yet.
I'll put it on our list of requests.
Thank you for your bug reports,


dhcp-users mailing list
[hidden email]