Regarding working configuration on DHCP option 82 in linux dhcp server

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Regarding working configuration on DHCP option 82 in linux dhcp server

Radhanath Mishra

Please help me out and let me know how i can configure dhcp option 82 in linux dhcp server ,dhcp  relay agent is there in my setup.

A working example is much appreciated .

Please respond at earliest


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Re: Regarding working configuration on DHCP option 82 in linux dhcp server

David Ganor
Hi Radhanath,

AFAIK, DHCPv4 option82 is added ONLY by the relay, towards the Server, and is automatically replied back by the server.
What exactly do wish to configure in the server?

Follows an example of logging received option82.circuit-id (sub option #1) and option82.remote-id (sub option #2):
if exists agent.circuit-id {
  log(info, "New client with Opt82!");
  log(info, concat("Opt82.circuit-id=", option agent.circuit-id));
  if exists agent.remote-id {
    log(info, concat("Opt82.remote-id=", option agent.remote-id));

And here is another example, for defining a class by matching option82.circuit-id:
class "special4Radhanath" {
  match if (substring(option agent.circuit-id,0,15)="RadhanathMishra");
  log(info, "New special4Radhanath");

Best regards,
David Ganor

Cell: +972-54-3090299
Tel: +972-74-7028642
Fax: +972-153-74-7028642

SW developer
On 08/07/2015 06:04, Radhanath Mishra wrote:

Please help me out and let me know how i can configure dhcp option 82 in linux dhcp server ,dhcp  relay agent is there in my setup.

A working example is much appreciated .

Please respond at earliest


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Re: Regarding working configuration on DHCP option 82 in linux dhcp server

Radhanath Mishra
Thanks David for Your Reply .

Actually my objective is - when Dhcp discover packet reaches with option 82, Dhcp server should Forward that discover packet to Radius server for authentication , Radius server authenticate the attributes related to option 82 , if authentication successful , then Radius will get back to Dhcp server and then only i will get a IP from Dhcp server.

If you have some suggestion , Please do provide.
if possible , any Working configuration for the same..

Thanks ,

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 1:33 PM, David Ganor <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Radhanath,

AFAIK, DHCPv4 option82 is added ONLY by the relay, towards the Server, and is automatically replied back by the server.
What exactly do wish to configure in the server?

Follows an example of logging received option82.circuit-id (sub option #1) and option82.remote-id (sub option #2):
if exists agent.circuit-id {
  log(info, "New client with Opt82!");
  log(info, concat("Opt82.circuit-id=", option agent.circuit-id));
  if exists agent.remote-id {
    log(info, concat("Opt82.remote-id=", option agent.remote-id));

And here is another example, for defining a class by matching option82.circuit-id:
class "special4Radhanath" {
  match if (substring(option agent.circuit-id,0,15)="RadhanathMishra");
  log(info, "New special4Radhanath");

Best regards,
David Ganor

Cell: +972-54-3090299
Tel: +972-74-7028642
Fax: +972-153-74-7028642

SW developer
On 08/07/2015 06:04, Radhanath Mishra wrote:

Please help me out and let me know how i can configure dhcp option 82 in linux dhcp server ,dhcp  relay agent is there in my setup.

A working example is much appreciated .

Please respond at earliest


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Re: Regarding working configuration on DHCP option 82 in linux dhcp server

> Actually my objective is - when Dhcp discover packet reaches with option
> 82, Dhcp server should Forward that discover packet to Radius server for
> authentication , Radius server authenticate the attributes related to
> option 82 , if authentication successful , then Radius will get back to
> Dhcp server and then only i will get a IP from Dhcp server.

This mode of operation is normally handled by Relay agent and other
associated machinery on the BRAS itself. I don't believe you can get
ISC DHCP to do this directly.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, [hidden email]
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