Regarding "dhcp_failover_register" function

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Regarding "dhcp_failover_register" function

James charu

As from source code isc-dhcp, I have not found any usage for  "dhcp_failover_register" function of failover.c file because it is not invoked or the function also not got registered anywhere.

I have changes in omapi_listen function, this mentioned function invokes the omapi_listen function. I want to know whether it will get impact bcz of my changes.

Kindly help me in getting the usage purpose of this function(dhcp_failover_register), and when it will get invoked.

Thanks in advance.


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Fwd: Regarding "dhcp_failover_register" function

James charu
Can anyone help me out on this?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James charu <[hidden email]>
Date: Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 10:47 AM
Subject: Regarding "dhcp_failover_register" function
To: [hidden email]


As from source code isc-dhcp, I have not found any usage for  "dhcp_failover_register" function of failover.c file because it is not invoked or the function also not got registered anywhere.

I have changes in omapi_listen function, this mentioned function invokes the omapi_listen function. I want to know whether it will get impact bcz of my changes.

Kindly help me in getting the usage purpose of this function(dhcp_failover_register), and when it will get invoked.

Thanks in advance.


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