First, please don’t send mail to the announce list or a specific engineer to start discussion
of an issue. Also please choose only one of the user or workers lists when sending mail
to a general list.
Unfortunately at this time the bug database is not searchable or even mostly accessible
for people outside of ISC.
However you can review the bugs that we have fixed by consulting the release notes
(RELNOTES in the distribution). This is a list, sorted by release, that describes all
of the bugs we have fixed.
I don’t see any recent changes to dhcpctl_connect() itself but it is possible that changes
elsewhere might have fixed an issue arising from a call to dhcpctl_connect().
If you feel there is an issue we request that you try with a more recent version of the
code to see if the problem still exists and if so to send in a bugs report to
[hidden email]
Are you guys aware of memory leak issues with dhcptl_connect function in DHCP version
4.1-ESV-R7 or higher ?
Is there a bugdb that I can search for know issues?
dhcp-workers mailing list
[hidden email]https://lists.isc.org/mailman/listinfo/dhcp-workers
dhcp-users mailing list
[hidden email]