Just a brief note on you posting on the dhcp-users mailing list. Our
university uses some kind of Microsoft cloud service for spam filtering
and Your posting was caught as suspicious.
I have no knowledge on how MS filters work, but I would guess that
"miracles" followed with several ! is a trigger. You might want to
rephrase your tagline.
Klaus Vink Slott
University of Copenhagen
Den 10-02-2016 kl. 16:14 skrev David Elliott:
> Thanks Sten for the response.
> Client Id (option 61) is included in the DHCP Discover Packet and I
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /God still works miracles!! We strive to provide you the best possible
> support./
> /If I have not provided you the excellent service you deserve, please
> contact my manager, Lynn Goolsby at
[hidden email] or
> 615-277-5892 <tel:615-277-5892>/
dhcp-users mailing list
[hidden email]