PD hint support in dhclient6?

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PD hint support in dhclient6?

Paul Dugas
Trying to get a Sophos UTM9 router to request a /60 IPv6 prefix delegation without much luck.  Comcast keeps giving me a /64 which i their default unless they get a PD hint otherwise.  The box is using dhclient6-4.3.0 under the hood and I'm wondering if this version has any support for including the hint in the initial solicit packet.

It's running the command like so:

    /usr/sbin/dhclient6 -P -d -N -cf /etc/eth1.conf6 -lf /var/db/eth1_pd_na.leases6 -pf /var/run/dhclient6_eth1.pid eth1

/etc/eth1.conf6 contains:

    interface "eth1" {
script "/usr/sbin/dhcp_updown.plx";
send host-name "eg.example.com";

Packet captures show and IA_PD option (25) in the solicit but no IAPREFIX option (26) which I think is what's necessary.  I've tried adding "send ipv6.ia_pd 1;" to the config file but I end up with two IA_PD options in the packet - one bogus (length 1 and value 0x01) and the original one with sane values for IAID, T1, and T2.  I've tried poking through the code as well and I only see it adding IAPREFIX (26) options to renew packets.  Not sure about that though.

Can someone here definitively tell me this isn't possible or, if it is, how?

Thanks much in advance for the time and effort on the project.


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Re: PD hint support in dhclient6?

On 1/7/2016 8:51 AM, Paul Dugas wrote:
> Trying to get a Sophos UTM9 router to request a /60 IPv6 prefix
> delegation without much luck.  Comcast keeps giving me a /64 which i
> their default unless they get a PD hint otherwise.  The box is using
> dhclient6-4.3.0 under the hood and I'm wondering if this version has any
> support for including the hint in the initial solicit packet.
> [snip]

This thread has some info, and a possible workaround using the lease file...

dhcp-users mailing list
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Re: PD hint support in dhclient6?

Paul Dugas
On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 9:31 AM, Mike wrote:

> On 1/7/2016 8:51 AM, Paul Dugas wrote:
> > Trying to get a Sophos UTM9 router to request a /60 IPv6 prefix
> > delegation without much luck.  Comcast keeps giving me a /64 which i
> > their default unless they get a PD hint otherwise.  The box is using
> > dhclient6-4.3.0 under the hood and I'm wondering if this version has any
> > support for including the hint in the initial solicit packet.
> >
> > [snip]
> This thread has some info, and a possible workaround using the lease file...
> https://lists.isc.org/pipermail/dhcp-users/2014-April/017796.html

Saw that earlier.  Tried disabling the interface, changing the suffix
of the iaprefix line in the lease file from /64 to /60, and
re-enabling it but the packet capture doesn't look any different. That
doesn't make any sense now that I think of it.  I expect to see it
request the addresses from the existing leases file.  Still digging...

Paul Dugas / [hidden email] / 404-932-1355
dhcp-users mailing list
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