PD (IPv6) assigement based on option dhcp6.remote-id

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PD (IPv6) assigement based on option dhcp6.remote-id

Peter Balsianok

Is it possible (in current version 4.3.4) to assign PD (IPv6) based on option dhcp6.interface-id or dhcp6.remote-id ?

Fragment of the configuration could be :

host ws {
host-identifier option dhcp6.interface-id "N-001-BB-OLT-91PON1/1/0/2/4";
host-identifier option dhcp6.remote-id 00:00:07:db:4e:2d:30:30:31:2d:42:42:2d:4f:4c:54:2d:39:31:50:4f:4e:31:2f:31:2f:30:2f:32:2f:34; # not working / implemented
fixed-prefix6 2a01:c840:50:5700::/56;

Or will it be possible in the near future ?

Thank you for help

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