Online documentation

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Online documentation

Bill Shirley-2
Web page:

The ports used in the fail-over example are not necessarily "wrong" but should
reflect the ports already assigned for fail-over communication:
dhcp-failover   647/tcp                 # DHCP Failover
dhcp-failover   647/udp                 # DHCP Failover
dhcp-failover2  847/tcp                 # dhcp-failover 2
dhcp-failover2  847/udp                 # dhcp-failover 2

Also, selinux on Red Hat systems allows those ports without creating an exception:
[0:root@c3po dhcp]$ semanage port -l | grep dhcpd
dhcpd_port_t                   tcp      547, 548, 647, 847, 7911
dhcpd_port_t                   udp      67, 547, 548, 647, 847

Thanks for the online documentation.  I'm hoping to improve it just a little bit.


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