Migration within the 4.x codestream

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Migration within the 4.x codestream

Patrick Trapp
We have been running isc dhcp 4.2.7 on a private network since it was the current release. We are finally replacing the servers in question and so upgrading isc dhcp. I'm seeing tips and suggestions for upgrading from a DHCP 3 instance to a DHCP 4 instance, but nothing regarding migration from a DHCP 4 to a later DHCP 4.

So I ask the knowledgeable folks found here - can you share with me the concerns I need to be looking for with this update? Can you share any improvements or configuration changes that you recommend I consider that will be available as a result of this upgrade?

Thank you for your time! And in a trying time for almost everyone, I feel I'm overdue to say thank you for your contributions to the community.


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