Manage to match the remote-id using Vendor Specific Information Option.
see below the working config.
log-facility local6;
# Declare the option space.
option space docsis code width 2 length width 2 hash size 100;
# Define DOCSIS option formats.
option docsis.tftp-servers code 32 = array of ip6-address;
option docsis.cablelabs-configuration-file code 33 = text;
option docsis.cablelabs-syslog-servers code 34 = array of ip6-address;
option docsis.device-id code 36 = string;
option code 1026 = string;
# Anchor the docsis option space under the VSIO option.
option vsio.docsis code 4491 = encapsulate docsis;
log (info, concat("Cable Modem Mac: ", v6relay(1, (binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", option;
log (info, concat("Normal Lease: ", binary-to-ascii(16,16,":",substring(option dhcp6.ia-na, 16, 16))));
# IPv6 CPE Class
class "CPE.v6" {match v6relay(1, option;}
subclass "CPE.v6" 08:80:39:AC:C9:C0;
shared-network lab-cpe {
subnet6 2001:d800:4010::/48 {
deny unknown-clients;
option 2001:d800:1000:1::2;
default-lease-time 3600;
max-lease-time 3600;
# CPE.v6
pool6 {
range6 2001:d800:4010::2 2001:d800:4010::10;
allow members of "CPE.v6";
# Fallback pool
pool6 {
range6 2001:d800:4010::11 2404:3c00:4010::20;