Dynamic Docsis modem configuration files

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Dynamic Docsis modem configuration files

Tony Peacock
Has anyone configured dhcpd with any sort of Dynamic Docsis modem
configuration generation?  Essentially, have a Dhp discover generate a
Docsis configuration file, to then hand to a Cable Modem.

I'm familiar with the Incognito BCC capability of doing so (pricey
solution), and I've seen "docsis_server" mentioned (appears to have low
levels of support), and I've read that the Cisco BAC does this.   I am
however looking into the possibility of doing this with the ISC Dhcpd

Is this a problem someone else has solved already?  I've been digging
through the archives, but no luck so far.

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RE: Dynamic Docsis modem configuration files

Patrick Trapp
I have no answer, sorry, but I'm curious - how much of the intended configuration is dynamic?

From: dhcp-users [[hidden email]] on behalf of Tony Peacock [[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:13 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Dynamic Docsis modem configuration files

Has anyone configured dhcpd with any sort of Dynamic Docsis modem
configuration generation?  Essentially, have a Dhp discover generate a
Docsis configuration file, to then hand to a Cable Modem.

I'm familiar with the Incognito BCC capability of doing so (pricey
solution), and I've seen "docsis_server" mentioned (appears to have low
levels of support), and I've read that the Cisco BAC does this.   I am
however looking into the possibility of doing this with the ISC Dhcpd

Is this a problem someone else has solved already?  I've been digging
through the archives, but no luck so far.

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Re: Dynamic Docsis modem configuration files

In reply to this post by Tony Peacock

You can achieve it by TFTPD HPA exec patch.  We mainly use it for MTA voice part. For modem itself I think that is not necessary.

Hope that help


Enviado desde mi iPhone

> El 10 oct 2016, a las 15:13, Tony Peacock <[hidden email]> escribió:
> Has anyone configured dhcpd with any sort of Dynamic Docsis modem configuration generation?  Essentially, have a Dhp discover generate a Docsis configuration file, to then hand to a Cable Modem.
> I'm familiar with the Incognito BCC capability of doing so (pricey solution), and I've seen "docsis_server" mentioned (appears to have low levels of support), and I've read that the Cisco BAC does this.   I am however looking into the possibility of doing this with the ISC Dhcpd service.
> Is this a problem someone else has solved already?  I've been digging through the archives, but no luck so far.
> Thanks!
> Tony
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