I have two questions regarding running a relay over a DHCP client interface.
I am using ISC-DHCP 4.3.5.
My system and interfaces look like:
--------------------------- --------------- ---------------
eth0 eth1 | | DHCP server | | DHCP server |
DHCP client DHCP client |<wireless> | for eth1 |<Eth>| for eth0 |
port 68 port 17787 | | port 17787 | | port 67 |
--------------------------- --------------- ---------------
\ /
DHCP relay
to BOX3First, eth1 gets a lease from BOX2, configures itself, configures eth0 for its subnet (obtained as option)
and starts DHCP client on eth0 and DHCP relay between eth0 and eth1.
eth0 should get the IP from BOX3 which is accessible through established routes.
It goes like this:
1. eth1 get the lease from BOX2 and configures its IP/mask etc.
2. eth1 with a lease also gets a custom option which tells which subnet eth0 should be in,
and assigns last IP in eth0 subnet to the eth0
3. DHCP client on eth0 is restarted.
4. DHCP relay is restarted - there are few other eth0 VLAN interfaces included which are not DHCP clients.
Since I am not sure if I am doing this correctly, my questions are:
1. Since the relay can not run on interfaces without IP address how should I set up eth0?
Currently, I assign it a "reserved" IP from its expected subnet which is then updated when lease is obtained.
Is this how it should be done? Is there any other way so I would not have to use this "reserved" IP?
2. When eth1 gets a lease and restarts DHCP client on eth0, sometimes (one to 10) it happens that
eth0 just won't send out DHCPREQUEST, it sends one and that is it. No retries, no lease obtained.
Why would it stop sending requests?
Part of the log, eth1 got from BOX2, eth0 sent only one DHCPREQUES and that was it:
Mar 22 21:38:53 (none) daemon.info dhclient: DHCPACK from
Mar 22 21:38:56 (none) daemon.info dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 302912 seconds.
Mar 22 09:38:57 (none) daemon.info dhclient: Killed old client process
binding to user-specified port 68
Mar 22 09:39:06 (none) daemon.info dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
Requesting: mdl0 as upstream: Y downstream: N
Requesting: eth0.1150 as upstream: N downstream: Y
Requesting: eth0.1250 as upstream: N downstream: Y
Requesting: eth0.1350 as upstream: N downstream: Y
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Relay Agent 4.3.5
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Relay Agent 4.3.5
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Copyright 2004-2016 Internet Systems Consortium.
Copyright 2004-2016 Internet Systems Consortium.
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Listening on LPF/eth0.1350/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Listening on LPF/eth0.1350/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Sending on LPF/eth0.1350/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Sending on LPF/eth0.1350/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Listening on LPF/eth0.1250/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Listening on LPF/eth0.1250/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Sending on LPF/eth0.1250/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Sending on LPF/eth0.1250/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Listening on LPF/eth0.1150/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Listening on LPF/eth0.1150/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Sending on LPF/eth0.1150/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Sending on LPF/eth0.1150/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Listening on LPF/mdl0/00:0d:ca:00:0e:15
Listening on LPF/mdl0/00:0d:ca:00:0e:15
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Sending on LPF/mdl0/00:0d:ca:00:0e:15
Sending on LPF/mdl0/00:0d:ca:00:0e:15
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Listening on LPF/eth0/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Listening on LPF/eth0/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Sending on LPF/eth0/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Sending on LPF/eth0/04:a3:16:e2:2e:b8
Mar 22 09:39:09 (none) daemon.info dhcrelay: Sending on Socket/fallback
!!! LOG ends here ... no repeat to DHCPREQUEST on eth0???
May there be problem with my client config? But same scenario does not repeat every time, usually works ok.
dhclient.conf for eth0 has:
timeout 300;
retry 60;
reboot 90;
select-timeout 0;
initial-interval 2;
DHCP clients and relay run like this:
/usr/sbin/dhclient -nw -p 17788 -pf /var/run/dhclient-air.pid -cf /etc/dhcp/dhclient-air.conf -lf /home/db/dhclient-air.leases -sf /etc/dhclient-air-script eth1
/usr/sbin/dhclient -nw -p 68 -pf /var/run/dhclient.pid -cf /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf -lf /home/db/dhclient.leases -sf /etc/dhclient-script eth0
/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -a -U eth0 -iu eth1 -id eth0.1150 -id eth0.1250 -id eth0.1350
Can someone please comment on this?
Thank you very much.