DHCP option space test

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DHCP option space test

Hi ,
How does a DHCP client can get the DHCP option space data from respective server config
Ex: I have constructed my local server config as below by taking online example references
default-lease-time 3600;
option space optionSpacedb;
option optionSpacedb.option1d code 1 = ip-address;
subnet netmask {
        pool {
         option domain-name "test123.com";
         option optionSpacedb.option1d;
         option routers;
         option subnet-mask;
But I was stuck in testing it by DHCP clients. Do we need to do any setting on the client side to request the option space, I have checked in other forums but they only provide the declaration examples but no where we have practical test examples. Can any one please help on testing it or any reference links that can be test on real time environment. I want to know the exact business use case for the option space module.


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Re: DHCP option space test

Peter Rathlev
On Wed, 2019-07-31 at 11:07 +0530, Surya Teja wrote:
> How does a DHCP client can get the DHCP option space data from
> respective server config
> Ex: I have constructed my local server config as below by taking
> online example references

Did you see the reply to your original mail I posted recently? I think
it answers at least some of your question.

In short you need to add "vendor-option-space optionSpacedb;" in the
same block as where you use the options. This method requires that the
client asks for option 43 (vendor-specific-options) and knows how to
parse "vendor encapsulation".

If you can't use vendor-specific-options for any reason, you need to
find an option code that isn't in use in the global scope. That would
typically be option codes 224-254 which are for "local use". In that
case you don't need separate option spaces, unless you have clients
that understand the same option codes in different ways. In that case
you should take a look at "site-option-space".


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Re: DHCP option space test

Hi Peter,
Thanks for reply.
Did you see the reply to your original mail I posted recently? I think it answers at least some of your question.  
 ---> Hi I have posted this initially in dhcp-workers group but I didn't get any reply to my post.
       Not sure it may be issue with mailing service. Can you please forward your mail once again or any reference related to this stuff

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 12:51 PM Peter Rathlev <[hidden email]> wrote:
On Wed, 2019-07-31 at 11:07 +0530, Surya Teja wrote:
> How does a DHCP client can get the DHCP option space data from
> respective server config
> Ex: I have constructed my local server config as below by taking
> online example references

Did you see the reply to your original mail I posted recently? I think
it answers at least some of your question.

In short you need to add "vendor-option-space optionSpacedb;" in the
same block as where you use the options. This method requires that the
client asks for option 43 (vendor-specific-options) and knows how to
parse "vendor encapsulation".

If you can't use vendor-specific-options for any reason, you need to
find an option code that isn't in use in the global scope. That would
typically be option codes 224-254 which are for "local use". In that
case you don't need separate option spaces, unless you have clients
that understand the same option codes in different ways. In that case
you should take a look at "site-option-space".


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Re: DHCP option space test

Hi Peter,
Thanks for Reply, sorry because of other issues I was unable to concentrate on this option space modules, 
In short you need to add "vendor-option-space optionSpacedb;" in the same block as where you use the options.  ------------>
As suggested I understood that we need to mention statement  vendor-option-space optionSpacedb; to make it perfect utilization Thanks for suggestion
But I have a doubt, I have followed the one of the forum and in that it mention to construct the config like below
-------------my local dhcp server config--------------------
default-lease-time 3600;
option proxyDetails code 252 = text;
option space optionspacedb;
option optionspacedb.option1 code 1 = ip-address;
option optionspacedb.option2 code 2 = ip-address;

option space optionspace2;
option optionspace2.option1test code 1 = text;

if option vendor-class-identifier = "Avaya"{  # taking just as example 
           vendor-option-space optionspacedb;
}else if option vendor-class-identifier = "avaya2"{   # taking just as example
     vendor-option-space optionspacedb2;
subnet netmask {
pool {
max-lease-time 600;
option domain-name "example.com";
option domain-name-servers 192.168.x.xxx,192.168.y.yyy;
option local-proxy-config "http://zzzzzz";
option optionspacedb.option1;
option optionspacedb.option2;

option optionspace2.option1test "test";
option routers;
option subnet-mask;

It says to mention some thing like if else if statements at global section and specify the options in pool. The client matching the vendor class identifier can only get  optionspace values
Is the syntax right? can we construct like this for effective utilization


On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 5:52 PM Surya Teja <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Peter,
Thanks for reply.
Did you see the reply to your original mail I posted recently? I think it answers at least some of your question.  
 ---> Hi I have posted this initially in dhcp-workers group but I didn't get any reply to my post.
       Not sure it may be issue with mailing service. Can you please forward your mail once again or any reference related to this stuff

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 12:51 PM Peter Rathlev <[hidden email]> wrote:
On Wed, 2019-07-31 at 11:07 +0530, Surya Teja wrote:
> How does a DHCP client can get the DHCP option space data from
> respective server config
> Ex: I have constructed my local server config as below by taking
> online example references

Did you see the reply to your original mail I posted recently? I think
it answers at least some of your question.

In short you need to add "vendor-option-space optionSpacedb;" in the
same block as where you use the options. This method requires that the
client asks for option 43 (vendor-specific-options) and knows how to
parse "vendor encapsulation".

If you can't use vendor-specific-options for any reason, you need to
find an option code that isn't in use in the global scope. That would
typically be option codes 224-254 which are for "local use". In that
case you don't need separate option spaces, unless you have clients
that understand the same option codes in different ways. In that case
you should take a look at "site-option-space".


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