Thanks Glenn! I didnt see that option when looking at man pages first time through but now I do!. Thx, Brad
> On Mar 13, 2016, at 10:24 PM, Glenn Satchell <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Regex matching has been a part of the syntax for many years. See dhcp-eval
> man page on your system.
> data-expression-1 ~= data-expression-2 data-expression-1 ~~
> data-expression-2
> The ~= and ~~ operators (not available on all systems)
> perform extended regex(7) matching of the values of two
> data expressions, returning true if data-expression-1
> matches against the regular expression evaluated by data-
> expression-2, or false if it does not match or encounters
> some error. If either the left-hand side or the right-
> hand side are null or empty strings, the result is also
> false. The ~~ operator differs from the ~= operator in
> that it is case-insensitive.
> So you'll want something like this, but it's not foolproof either as the
> user could name the system anything they like.
> match if option host-name ~= "iPhone";
> }
> regards,
> -glenn
> On Sat, March 12, 2016 9:06 am, Bradford Dickerson wrote:
>> Thanks Jose for pointer to list. I could use that to identify Apple
>> clients. To narrow it down to various apple types such as iphones, ipads
>> vs mac computers dont think it will help.
>>> On Mar 11, 2016, at 4:44 PM, José Queiroz <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Have you seen this?
>>>;a=blob_plain;f=manuf>>> <;a=blob_plain;f=manuf>
>>> PS: Sorry the [possible] double posting, for some reason my messages
>>> aren't being received by the list.
>>> 2016-03-11 18:09 GMT-03:00 Bradford Dickerson <
[hidden email]
>>> <mailto:
[hidden email]>>:
>>> Hi Jose,
>>> Thanks for replying. Was looking into that but was unsuccessful (
>>> searching on the web ) finding a list(range) of OUIs that Apple used
>>> specifically for their iphones. Thx, Brad
>>>> On Mar 11, 2016, at 3:43 PM, José Queiroz <
[hidden email]
>>>> <mailto:
[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Bradford,
>>>> It will be much easier if you use MAC Addresses to do that. That way
>>>> you may use the MAC's OUI to determine the device's branding.
>>>> 2016-03-11 17:35 GMT-03:00 Bradford Dickerson <
[hidden email]
>>>> <mailto:
[hidden email]>>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> At our company, we are trying to hand out IP ranges based on the
>>>> characteristics of the client. For example using a class declaration
>>>> as follows:
>>>> match if substring(option host-name,0,6) = "iPhone";
>>>> }
>>>> but I notice many iphones have names like âBrad-iPhoneâ or
>>>> âTomIphoneâ does not quite match above . Is there any plan to
>>>> support regex type matches?
>>>> Thx,
>>>> Brad
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