DDNS not updating after host name change with same MAC address

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DDNS not updating after host name change with same MAC address

Željko Puškarić
Hi everyone,

I am having a problem with my DHCP server on Debian Stretch (ISC dhcpd
version 4.3.5, BIND version 9.10.3) with updating DNS when machine which
had a lease requests a new lease with different host name (when changing
OS on the machine or booting it from USB). What happens is that old
hostname (A record and PTR records) gets deleted as it should, but new
hostname does not get written to DNS.
When new machine registers it gets written to DNS without a problem.
Is there something that I can configure in order to make it write new
DNS records.
In the log file named does not mention new host name (so I presume dhcpd
did not send update).

My dhcpd.conf looks like:

default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

ddns-update-style interim;
deny client-updates;
do-forward-updates true;
update-optimization false;
update-conflict-detection true;

subnet netmask {
    option routers;
    option domain-name "test.loc";
    option domain-name-servers,;
    option domain-search "test.loc";
    pool {
        failover peer "failover-partner";

key dhcpupdate {
         algorithm hmac-md5;
         secret my_secret;

zone 1.17.172.in-addr.arpa {
         primary dhcp-01.test.loc;
         key dhcpupdate;

zone test.loc {
         primary dhcp-01.test.loc;
         key dhcpupdate;

Best Regards,
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Re: DDNS not updating after host name change with same MAC address

Simon Hobson-2
Željko Puškarić <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I am having a problem with my DHCP server on Debian Stretch (ISC dhcpd version 4.3.5, BIND version 9.10.3) with updating DNS when machine which had a lease requests a new lease with different host name (when changing OS on the machine or booting it from USB). What happens is that old hostname (A record and PTR records) gets deleted as it should, but new hostname does not get written to DNS.

Post logs from DHCP and DNS servers when this happens.

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