Best practice assigning ip addresses to containers (that can have multiple instances)

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Best practice assigning ip addresses to containers (that can have multiple instances)

Marc Roos

For tls communication I need to have correct task names. I was thinking
of using the dhcp-client-identifier to have tasks request a pre reserved
ip range, from which they will receive an ip address and dns has already
been setup for these addresses.

Currently I have just a shared-network configured and a group with some
host entries that give a fixed-addresses based on a hardware ethernet.

What would be the easiest way to realize that multiple instances of the
ldap server can be launched having all the same hostname ldap.local they
would get an ip address from the set,,, based on the client id they are
sending via dhcp.

I saw the dhcpd.conf man page, do I need to do this with
classes/subclasses or is there some other simple option?

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RE: Best practice assigning ip addresses to containers (that can have multiple instances)

Marc Roos
Yes thanks, had to even set it to get unique ip addresses on the
containers. Without it, some containers were getting the same ip
address. Using the vendorid to classify tasks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Hudson [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: zondag 11 augustus 2019 21:59
To: Marc Roos
Subject: Re: Best practice assigning ip addresses to containers (that
can have multiple instances)

    I think you misunderstand the role of the dhcp-client-identifier. It
is meant to be a UNIQUE key to identify a client in cases where you
cannot use the ethernet address; perhaps simply so you can rebuild a
system quickly on new hardware. You cannot have multiple clients with
the same identifier as the server will treat them as a single client,
re-assigning the same IP to all.

    The best way to do what you want is probably classes. I suppose you
can have multiple, unique identifiers for your LDAP servers and then
assign the class membership based on a common prefex. Alternatively, you
could just use the ethernet addresses. Once you have a class, you simply
set up a pool with an "allow LDAP-SERVERS" restriction.
Bruce A. Hudson | [hidden email]
ITS, Networks and Systems |
Dalhousie University |
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | (902) 494-3405

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