Hi Ryan,
I ended up writing something you suggested in C++.
I am trying to look at
http://dhcpstatus.sourceforge.net/and long term look at
On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Ryan Gray <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Shankha,
> I recently took a swing at doing the same using the dhcpdtl APIs. I found
> the API to be extremely cumbersome (maybe just me). I ended up back at
> parsing the dhcpd.leases file (ugh). I ended up writing a PHP class that
> takes in the leases file and parses it, outputting a associative array with
> everything I needed from it. It depends on Carbon for dealing with
> timestamps. It's fairly basic, but you're welcome to take a look at it.
> You can disregard the GuzzleHttp usage in there. A previous iteration of
> this "solution" (I used that lightly) was to use the old dhcpd-pools script
> on the dhcp server and offer up it's output (json) to my web application. So
> guzzle was just running over to get that output from the dhcp server. It
> isn't necessarily needed in this class.
> Good luck.
> -goat
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 9:28 AM, shankha <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was trying to program DHCP leases and going through the dhcpctl API's
>> Is there a way I can get a list of all the leases (or the IP address)
>> from the dhcp server.
>> I do not know the IP address before hand.
>> Thanks
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